PDO olive oils, what are they?


PDO stands for Protected Designation of Origin and consists of using the name of a region to designate a product originating from it, whose characteristics come from the geographical environment and specific requirements of that place. It can be for olive oils, cheeses, drinks, sausages, etc.

In Portugal there are 6 PDO regions for olive oil production:

  • Moura: Olive oils with a fruity aroma and flavour. Bitter and spicy. Varieties: Verdeal, Cordovil, Galega.
  • Trás-os-Montes: Balanced olive oils, with a smell and taste of fresh fruit, sometimes almondy. Remarkable green, bitter and spicy sensation. Varieties: Verdeal, Madural, Cobrançosa, Negrinha do Freixo.
  • Beira Interior: Olive oils with a fresh fruit flavour and quite mild. Varieties: Galega, Cobrançosa, Carrasquenha, etc.
  • Norte Alentejano: Slightly thick olive oils, fruity, with soft aroma and flavour. Varieties: Galega, Blanqueta, Cobrançosa, Azeiteira, Carrasquenha, Redondil.
  • Ribatejo: Slightly thick and fruity olive oils. Markedly sweet and smooth flavour. Varieties: Galega, Cobrançosa, etc.
  • Alentejo Interior: Olive oil with a soft fruity aroma of ripe and/or green olives and other fruits, namely apple and fig. A great sensation of sweetness is experienced. Varieties: Galega, Cordovil de Serpa, Cobrançosa, etc.

    Find out our olive oils here.