Are The Olives We Eat the Same as the Ones that Produce Olive Oils?


Not every type of olive tree produces fruits that are apt to be table olives. For this, they must have a good amount of pulp, which must be firm and easy to detach from the pit, and thin skin.

The opposite also happens. Negrinha de Freixo is a variety whose profitability for olive oil is low. Although there are oils with this variety, it is generally intended to be table olives.

The cultivars with aptitude for the production of olive oil produce fruits normally with higher levels of fat and with different morphological and pulp characteristics, for example: Madural and Verdeal Transmontana.

The Galega and Maçanilha varieties have characteristics to be used both in the extraction of olive oil and in the preparation of table olives.

    Find out our olive oils here.